Sunday, February 27, 2011

First Post♥

Hey guys, it's my first post :) Something about me, my nickname is Bea and my last name will soon be Bieber♥ I have been supporting Justin since I heard Baby. I've seen him in concert twice, went to the special screening of Never Say Never, saw Never Say Never again and I saw the Director's Cut once. There was also a special suprise waiting at the Director's Cut involving 3D glasses :) I never met Justin, but Never Say Never :) I have a twitter and a tumblr dedicated to him. The twitter is @iHearttBiebs♥ Soo thats the bieber side of me. I hope you guys enjoy my blog, and hopefully I can get some pictures, news, and videos uploaded everyday.


  1. Hey its whit. I luv ur blog soooo much. Even tho im not a dedicated belieber like you are, i still hav a little bieber fever deep within me... :) xD
